Halloween Party Prep!

Yes, it’s August, but it’s also less than 3 months away from my favorite holiday: HALLOWEEN! What better way to start my summer (and birthday month) than to begin planning the theme of our annual Halloween Party. Ballots were cast and it was decided “Whatever Jen Wants To Do” was the decision. Well, I obviouslyContinue reading “Halloween Party Prep!”

Favorite Photos From Freelance Shoot

A few months ago I was approached by a talented group of singers called Coastal Chorale. They perform several  times a year in the Gulf Coast singing everything from Christmas music to pop favorites. I designed their new program, tickets, and was asked to photograph their dress rehearsal. I was stunned at the caliber ofContinue reading “Favorite Photos From Freelance Shoot”

Homemade Christmas Ornament

A homemade Christmas ornament that is a miniature of my grandparents house. I made one for my parents house last year and thought it would be nice to do it this year for them. It’s sculpted from polymer clay baked in an oven, then painted with acrylic paint. It’s still drying and waited to beContinue reading “Homemade Christmas Ornament”

New Photos of Hotel Key Roses

The most recent photos of my hotel key rose jewelry. Pins, earrings, necklaces and rings are available for purchase in my Etsy.com shop. Please e-mail me at jennifertheartist@gmail.com for custom orders. All colors are available!

Workings of My Halloween Costume

Normally I begin working on my Halloween costume in May, but this year, I got started a little bit later than I had hoped. Wanting to focus more on the overall character rather than the costume itself, I had a very hard choice to make. One of my favorite movies being The Labyrinth, I couldn’tContinue reading “Workings of My Halloween Costume”